Friday, February 5, 2010

The Principles of Islamic Management

Tauhid / Unity

Ø  Man’s ultimate accountability is to God alone. It also defines the unique relationship between God and man, man and man, and man and his environment. He is required to only serve God through all his actions.

Ø  Surah Az-Zariyat : 56

Tauhid Rububiyyah

Ø  Believe that everything in the earth and sky belonging to him Allah. Only Allah can classify the human whether good or bad, and no one can challenge his power.

Ø  Surah Al-Ankabut : 61

Tauhid Illahiyyah

Ø  Believed that Allah is the only God by doing His direction and did not have any god other than Him.

Ø  Surah Al-Aaraf : 59

Tauhid did not complete until Tauhid Illahiyyah is combined with Tauhid Rububiyyah.

The Effort of tauhid on human are :

It gives clearly mission on all life aspect especially individuals, family, community and country in economics, politics and socials. We will have the component of amanah and good attitude because we know that Allah s.w.t can see what we are doing and thinking.

  • Khalifah / Vecogerency

Is a special duty of man on earth. Man has endowed with all the spiritual and mental characteristics, as well as material resources, to enable him to effectively undertake this important mission.

  • Al-adl / Justice

Is the rendering trust where it is due. Trusts here refer to all aspects of human life including economic, social and legal both at the individual as well as the sociatal levels. If the conflicts between individual and societal interests arise, perference is always given to societal interests.

Surah Al-Ma’idah : 8

  • Syura / Mutual Consultation

Used to be undertaken among leaders of various tribes or groups. Syura certainly implies transparency, open mindedness, which can only happen with the accompaniment of respect, trust, empowerment, freedom of expression, readiness to be criticized and acceptance of divergent views.

Surah As-Syura : 38                             

  • Ikhlas / Sincerity

One has to make sure that the task is completed with the best of one’s ability. Sincerity is an absolute value in the sense that there is no such thing as more or less sincere. If  one is less sincere, it implies that there exists some other elements in the intention. It may be arrogance, pride, conceit, etc.,which will jeopardize the quality of performance.

Surah Az-Zumar : 14

  • Freedom

According to islamic leadership style, a leader should strive to create an atmosphere of freethinking, healthy exchange of ideas an advice so that the followers feel very comfortable in discussing matters of interest to the group. The leader also has to accept what the member complains about them so the discussion will be done smoothly.

  • Amanah / Trustworthy

The leader must be trustworthy because all their members’ problem should be secrets from other. If not, the members will not respect them.

  • Reward

  • Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar

  • Maslahah Mursalah

  • Masru’iyyah

  • Brotherhood

Assignment CTU101: Fundamentals of Islam


Pembentukan dan Cabaran Akhlak dalam Islam,
Kesan Pengabaian dan Cara Mengatasi

Allah menjadikan manusia, dihadiahkan akal untuk berfikir dan memilih antara baik dan buruk, yang bersih atau yang kotor. Dengan adanya akal ini, manusia dapat menilai sesuatu akhlak untuk diamalkan dalam kehidupan seharian. Sesungguhnya diperintahkan berakhlak dengan akhlak yang baik adalah semata-mata untuk kepentingan kita sendiri. Allah tidak merasa diuntungkan atau dirugikan jika kita berakhlak mulia atau tidak.

Sebagai seorang muslim yang meyakini kebenaran Al-Quran, maka seharusnya tahu bahawa perintah berakhlak mulia itu telah dijelaskan di dalam Al-Quran malah telah ditegaskan dalam beberapa hadis nabi di mana hadis-hadis itu memberi petunjuk dan penerapan seharian bagaimana akhlak yang baik dan mulia.

Orang yang mengabaikan pembentukan akhlak yang mulia dalam diri akan merasa rugi. Rugi di dunia dan terseksa diakhirat kerana melakukan kerosakan di muka bumi. Ini didorong oleh pengaruh dalaman dan pengaruh luaran yang sentiasa mengajak melakukan aktiviti yang merosakkan akhlak kita. Akhlak memainkan peranan yang penting dalam pembentukan jati diri seseorang. Kejayaan dalam hidup seseorang bergantung kepada gaya hidup mereka sama ada menurut apa yang dijelaskan dalam Al-Quran atau tidak. Kerana itu seseorang akan gagal dalam hidup jika mengabaikan pembentukan akhlak yang mulia dalam diri.

Akhlak Al-Quran telah meninggikan semua asas yang suci itu dan mencantumkannya menjadi satu dasar yang lengkap, baru, progresif dan abadi. Akhlak mempunyai kuasa memerintah terhadap semua dan ini menjadikan tiap-tiap individu walaupun bagaimana buruk keadaannya, merasa mesti bertanggungjawab bagi mematuhi perintah yang sama. Seseorang yang melanggari perintah itu dengan pastinya akan menjadi terkutuk dan terhina.

Akhlak yang berdasarkan hati nurani individu tidak terselamat daripada terserempak dengan batu penarung yang merbahaya. Oleh yang demikian, setiap individu mestilah menyematkan dalam diri mereka bahawa mereka mesti sentiasa berakhlak mulia dalam hidup dan tidak terpengaruh dengan mana-mana godaan yang pasti membawa mereka ke lembah kekufuran dan kemaksiatan. Pelbagai halangan dalam pembentukan akhlak mulia seharusnya diatasi dengan segera supaya tidak meruntuhkan sesebuah ummah. Ini kerana keamanan sesebuah ummah bergantung kepada akhlak seseorang individu.

Menurut Ibnu Maskawih mendefinisikan akhlak sebagai keadaan jiwa seseorang yang mengajaknya untuk melakukan perbuatan-perbuatannya tanpa pertimbangan fikiran terlebih dahulu. Perkataan akhlak berasal dari perbendaharaan istilah-istilah Islamologi. Istilah lain yang mirip dengan kata akhlak ialah moral. Hakikat pengertian antara keduanya sangat berbeza.[1]

Kemuliaan akhlak adalah tanda keimanan seseorang kerana ia adalah buah daripada keimanannya. Adalah tidak dikira beriman seseorang yang tidak berakhlak.[2] Berhubung dengan hal inilah Rasulullah menyatakan:

“Bukanlah iman itu hanyalah cita-cita tetapi iman itu ialah keimanan yang tertanam di dalam hati dan dibuktikan dengan amalan.”                                                 
 (Hadith Riwayat Al-Dailani)

[1] Thaib, D. (1984). Risalah Agama. Yogyakarta,Indonesia: CV.Bina Usaha.; halaman 1
[2]  Yakan, A.-U. F. (2008). Apa Ertinya Saya Menganut Islam(Madha Ya'ni Intima'i Lil-Islam). Selangor: Dewan Pustaka Fajar(DPF).; halaman 45




Manusia dijadikan Allah terdiri daripada dua kumpulan iaitu jasmani dan rohani. Manusia dibekalkan dengan akal sebagai alat untuk memenuhi keperluan kedua-duannya. Akal boleh memikirkan cara manusia menjalani kehidupan dan membuat peraturan-peraturan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Peraturan-peraturan ini bertujuan untuk mencapai hidup yang lebih baik. Akal boleh mengawal sebahagian sifat-sifat buruk itu, tetapi ia tidak berupaya untuk menghindarinya dari terus berlaku. Akal hanya boleh melihat akibat-akibat yang terbatas. Beriman dengan Allah boleh menjadi benteng kepada sifat-sifat keji dan mungkar. Oleh itu orang-orang yang beriman akan melakukan segala perintah Allah dan akan meninggalkan segala yang dilarang oleh Allah.

Iman adalah suatu bahagian yang paling terpenting dalam agama islam.Untuk menjadi seorang islam,seseorang itu hendaklah mengucapkan dua kalimah syahadat serta mempercayai sepenuhnya perkara-perkara asas yang menjadi kepercayaan umat islam.[1] Ini dibuktikan dengan  firman Allah yang bermaksud:

“Hai orang-orang yang beriman, percayalah kepada Allah dan RasulNya, kepada kitab yang diturunkan kepada rasulNya dan kepada kitab-kitab yang telah diturunkan sebelumnya. Barangsiapa yang engkar terhadap Allah,terhadap malaikatNya, terhadap kitab-kitabNya, terhadap rasul-rasulNya dan terhadap hari akhirat, nyatalah ia telah tersesat sejauh-jauhnya”
(Surah An-Nisa:136)

Untuk menjadi seorang mukmin yang baik dan dikasihi Allah,tidaklah sekadar beriman sahaja tetapi hendaklah disertai dengan amal salih.Setiap orang islam dianjurkan supaya melakukan amal salih serta gemar melakukannya. Dalam firman Allah dalam Surah An-Nahl, ayat 97 yang bermaksud:
“Siapa Yang beramal soleh, dari lelaki atau perempuan, sedang ia beriman, maka Sesungguhnya Kami akan menghidupkan Dia Dengan kehidupan Yang baik; dan Sesungguhnya Kami akan membalas mereka, Dengan memberikan pahala Yang lebih dari apa Yang mereka telah kerjakan”
(Surah An-Nahl:97 )

Kepercayaan bahawa Allah telah mengirimkan ke dunia ini utusan dan Rasul-Nya, meletakkan dasar bahawa apa yang diterangkannya mengenai kebaikan dan keburukan (tabsyir dan inzar), khabar yang menggembirakan dengan janji-janji Allah untuk menakutkan dengan segala seksaan yang disediakan bagi mereka yang derhaka, adalah dasar-dasar pegangan dalam membentuk peribadi dan tingkah lakunya. Tidak sahaja manusia itu harus percaya bahawa rasul-rasul itu bersifat amanah atau dapat dipercayai, segala perkataannya benar, mempunyai kesempurnaan zahir batin dan menyampaikan kepada manusia apa yang diperintahkan Allah, tetapi juga ia harus mengambil alih sifat-sifat ini bagi membaiki budi pekertinya dan mengamalkan apa yang disampaikan oleh Allah s.w.t.[2]

Ilmu memainkan peranan penting dalam pembentukan akhlak seseorang. Menuntut ilmu adalah wajib sama ada menuntut ilmu fadhu ain atau ilmu fardhu kifayah. Rasulullah menggalakkan umatnya menuntut ilmu sepertimana dalam hadis yang bermaksud:

“Tuntutlah ilmu walaupun ke negeri China”

Dalam proses membentuk akhlak yang mulia, seseorang perlu mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan. Ilmu memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menggerakkan akal seseorang sama ada dia ingin berakhlak mulia ataupun berakhlak dengan akhlak yang buruk. Akhlak mulia tidak dapat dibentuk sekiranya seseorang tidak mempunyai ilmu pengetahuan yang secukupnya terutamanya dalam ilmu agama. Mereka yang tidak berilmu tidak dapat membezakan antara yang baik dengan yang buruk walaupun telah dikurniakan oleh Allah s.w.t akal yang sempurna untuk berfikir.

Dengan ilmu pengetahuan, kehidupan manusia di dunia ini dapat maju, mempunyai peradaban yang tinggi, dan berbagai macam kesulitan yang mengancam hidupnya dapat diatasi. Dan dengan ilmu pula, manusia dapat menduduki berbagai macam jabatan atau kedudukan yang mulia dan terhormat. Bahkan nasib kehidupan manusia di akhirat nanti pun, antara lain juga ditentukan oleh ilmu pengetahuan. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud:

“Siapa menghendaki dunia, wajib ia mempunyai ilmu. Siapa menghendaki akhirat, wajib mempunyai ilmu. Dan siapa menghendaki dunia akhirat kedua-duanya, wajib juga ia mempunyai ilmu”

Rasulullah menggalakkan umatnya untuk menuntut ilmu kerana terdapat banyak kelebihan orang-orang yang menuntut ilmu. Antaranya ialah malaikat akan menaungi orang yang menuntut ilmu, hidupan di lautan juga akan mendoakan orang yang menuntut ilmu dan lain-lain. Kelebihan orang yang menuntut ilmu telah dijelaskan di dalam hadis yang bermaksud:

"Sesiapa yang berusaha untuk menuntut ilmu, Allah akan mempermudahkannya jalan menuju ke syurga dan para malaikat mengembangkan sayapnya menaungi orang yang menuntut ilmu kerana suka akan mereka. Sesungguhnya orang yang alim juga akan dipohonkan keampunan oleh makhluk yang berada di langit dan di bumi sehinggakan ikan di air. Dan kelebihan seorang yang berilmu dengan seorang yang abid sama seperti bulan purnama berbanding dengan cakerawala yang lain. Sesungguhnya ulama' itu pewaris kepada para nabi dan sesungguhnya para nabi tidak sedikit pun meninggalkan harta walau satu dinar atau satu dirham, sesungguhnya mereka hanyalah mewariskan ilmu, maka sesiapa yang mendapatkan ilmu bererti ia telah memperolehi bahagiannya yang besar."
(Riwayat Abu Daud dan Al-Tarmizi)

Amal ialah setiap perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh seseorang dengan tujuan yang baik. Setiap yang dipelajari haruslah diamalkan supaya tidak terlupa atau terlalai akan apa yang telah dipelajari. Begitu juga dalam pembentukan akhlak. Kita haruslah beramal dengan amalan yang mulia supaya kita menjadi orang yang berakhlak mulia. 


Di dalam Islam, akhlak yang mulia itu lahir sebagai hasil dari pelbagai ibadah yang dilakukan. Tanpa hasil ini, tinggallah ibadah-ibadah itu sebagai upacara dan gerak-geri yang tidak mempunyai apa-apa nilai dan tidak membawa kepada  apa-apa faedah. Berhubung dengan sembahyang misalnya, Allah S.W.T menyebut di dalam Al-Quran di dalam surah al-ankabut ayat 45; yang bermaksud:
“Sesungguhnya sembahyang itu mencegah dari berbuat perkara jahat dan mungkar”
(Surah Al-Ankabut: 45)

Peribadatan Islam tetap berkaitan antara Allah dan manusia. Allah sendirilah yang mengampuni dan menghukum orang-orang yang lalai atau orang-orang yang jahat dalam peribadatannya.

[1]  Darraz, M. A. (1987). Prinsip Akhlak berdasarkan Al-Qur'an. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.; halaman 13
[2] Aboebakar Atjeh, P. D. (1979). Akhlak Dalam Islam. Kelantan: Pustaka Aman Press Sdn. Bhd., halaman 112



Soal  akhlak menurut pengajaran agama Islam dapat kita ketahui dari salah sebuah sabda Rasulullah s.a.w ;
Pernah seorang lelaki bertanya di hadapan Rasulullah s.a.w”Ya Rasulullah, apakah hakikat agama itu? Baginda menjawab dengan pendek,`Akhlak yang baik”

Pelbagai kesan yang negatif akan wujud ekoran daripada pengabaian akhlak dalam jiwa setiap insan. Kesan pengabaian akhlak terbahagi kepada lima bahagian iaitu kesan terhadap diri, keluarga, masyarakat, negara dan agama.


Kesan-kesan yang kita perolehi akibat mengabaikan akhlak dalam kehidupan terhadap diri ialah hilangnya arah tuju hidup. Seseorang yang tidak berakhlak akan berasa hidupnya seperti di awang-awangan tanpa tujuan dan matlamat hidup. Mereka akan merasakan hidup mereka seolah-olah tidak berguna lagi kerana tidak mendapat cemuhan daripada masyarakat setempat. Selain itu, seseorang yang tidak berakhlak akan dipulaukan oleh keluarga dan masyarakat. Seseorang yang mempunyai akhlak yang buruk akan dipinggirkan oleh keluarga dan masyarakat. Sebuah organisasi keluarga tidak akan menerima ahli keluarganya yang berakhlak buruk kerana mereka telah menjatuhkan maruah ahli keluarganya yang lain dengan melakukan perbuatan yang  memalukan ahli keluarganya. Masyarakat pula akan mencemuh dan membenci orang yang melakukan perbuatan yang buruk. Sebagai contoh, seseorang yang merosakkan kemudahan awam seperti telefon awam akan dibenci oleh masyarakat kerana telah menyusahkan masyarakat untuk membuat panggilan ketika berlaku kecemasan. Melakukan kerosakan dimuka bumi, akan dimurkai Allah berdasarkan firmannya:

Terjemahan: dan apabila dikatakan kepada mereka: "Janganlah kamu membuat bencana dan kerosakan di muka bumi", mereka menjawab: " Sesungguhnya Kami orang-orang Yang hanya membuat kebaikan".
(Surah al-Baqarah: 11 )


Kesan pengabaian akhlak terhadap keluarga pula ialah kemesraan yang telah lama wujud antara ahli keluarga akan serta-merta hilang sekiranya salah seorang daripada ahli keluarga mereka berakhlak buruk. Kajian menunjukkan seseorang yang berakhlak buruk berpunca daripada pengaruh rakan sebaya. Seseorang rakan memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mencorakkan hidup rakannya yang lain. Kemesraan sesama ahli keluarga akan hilang kerana seseorang yang berakhlak buruk lebih cenderung untuk menghabiskan masa bersama-sama rakannya berbanding keluarganya. Mereka menganggap rakan-rakan mereka memahami segala masalah mereka dan dapat menghiburkan hati mereka yang selalu tertekan dengan masalah. Selain itu, pergaduhan akan berlaku dalam sebuah sistem kekeluargaan apabila salah seorang daripada ahlinya mempunyai akhlak yang buruk. Sebagai contoh, salah seorang daripada ahli keluarganya yang menimbulkan masalah akan sentiasa mempertahankan dirinya walau dengan apa cara sekalipun supaya mereka tidak dituduh melakukan perbuatan yang salah. Mereka sanggup bergaduh semata-mata untuk mempertahankan diri mereka.


Kesan pengabaian akhlak terhadap masyarakat pula ialah masyarakat akan hidup dalam keadaan yang huru-hara. Segala perbuatan yang salah di sisi undang-undang yang dilakukan oleh orang yang berakhlak buruk tidak ditegur dan ditegah oleh masyarakat setempat. Masyarakat hanya pentingkan diri mereka sendiri dan memandang sahaja orang yang melakukan perbuatan itu dengan tiada rasa tanggungjawab dalam diri masing-masing. Ketidak prihatinan masyarakat terhadap pembentukan akhlak menyebabkan mereka hidup dalam keadaan yang tidak aman. Kes-kes rompakan, pembunuhan, penculikan, dan kes pecah rumah sering berlaku sekiranya masyarakat setempat masih mempertahankan ego masing-masing dan mementingkan diri mereka sendiri. Selain itu, maksiat akan berlaku dengan berleluasa sekiranya mereka mengabaikan pembentukan akhlak dalam diri mereka. Seseorang yang berakhlak buruk akan melakukan maksiat secara terang-terangan di khalayak ramai tanpa ada rasa malu dalam diri mereka untuk melakukannya. Maksiat  tetap akan berlaku dengan berterusan sekiranya masyarakat setempat tidak mengambil sebarang langkah yang proaktif untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Maksiat yang berlaku secara berleluasa akan menyebabkan masyarakat akan hidup dalam keadaaan yang bergelumang dengan dosa kerana tidak mencegah maksiat tersebut daripada berlaku malah membenarkan mereka melakukan maksiat tersebut .


Kesan pengabaian akhlak terhadap negara ialah pembangunan negara akan terganggu. Pembangunan yang pesat tidak akan berlaku sekiranya masyarakat dalam sesebuah negara mempunyai akhlak yang buruk. Wang yang sepatutnya digunakan untuk tujuan pembangunan negara telah digunakan untuk membina pusat-pusat pemulihan akhlak dan membaiki kemudahan-kemudahan awam yang telah dirosakkan oleh individu-individu yang berakhlak buruk. Jumlah wang yang diperlukan untuk memulihkan akhlak seseorang yang bermasalah adalah sangat tinggi. Selain itu, akan berlakunya kekacauan dalam sistem politik negara. Para menteri kabinet yang tidak berakhlak baik akan melakukan perbuatan yang salah di sisi undang-undang yang sekaligus akan menyebabkan keadaan yang huru-hara dalam sesebuah pemerintahan. Sebagai contoh, seorang menteri yang tidak berakhlak akan menimbulkan masalah dalam sesebuah negara dengan menerima rasuah dari pihak-pihak tertentu yang mengelak daripada dikenakan hukuman.


Kesan pengabaian akhlak terhadap agama ialah agama Islam akan dipandang hina oleh penganut agama selain agama Islam. Mereka akan memandang serong terhadap agama Islam kerana peratusan orang yang berakhlak buruk kebanyakannya beragama Islam. Sebagai contoh, ramai orang yang beragama Islam ditempatkan di pusat serenti dan pusat pemulihan akhlak kerana banyak menimbulkan masalah terhadap orang awam dan negara. Masalah ini menyumbang kepada penurunan jumlah masyarakat yang beragama Islam di negara kita. Ramai orang yang beragama Islam telah keluar dari agama mereka iaitu agama Islam dan menukar masuk kepada agama selain agama Islam kerana mereka malu untuk mengaku diri mereka sebagai penganut agama Islam. Agama Islam mudah ditindas oleh agama lain sekiranya mereka mengabaikan proses pembentukan akhlak dalam jiwa mereka. Pegangan agama dalam diri seseorang yang berakhlak buruk adalah sangat lemah. Dengan pegangan agama yang lemah agama Islam tidak akan dapat dipertahankan daripada gangguan luar terutamanya dari golongan yang ingin menjatuhkan agama Islam. Sekiranya agama Islam berjaya di tindas oleh agama lain, agama Islam tidak akan berkembang dan hak-hak istimewa kita sebagai orang yang beragama Islam juga akan hilang.

Final Exam April 2007 Fundamental of Management

Title Assignment:

Final Examination of APR 2007




1. Explain the three (3) types of control method. (6 marks)

The definition of controlling is the process of ensuring that actual activities conform to planned activities. In fact, control is more pervasive than planning. Control helps managers monitor the effectiveness of their planning, their organizing, and their leading activities. An essential part of the control process is taking corrective actions as needed. There are four type of control method, pre-action (feed forward), steering, screening and post-action control (feed back).

Pre-action control or feed forward is done at the input level of production that is before the start of production activities. The purpose of pre-action control is to anticipate potential problem and preventing them. For example, a specification of output factor by a company, which is material resources, is needed in order to achieve the best quality of production.

Steering control focus on what occurs during the work process. The primary goal in steering control is to spot problems and take corrective action before final results are achieved. Specify checkpoints that must be successfully passed before an activity proceeds further. Before proceeding to the next sequence, an activity must be approved or meet specific condition. For example, ‘0’ inflation is campaign by Malaysian Government to Malaysians.

Post-action control or feedback takes place after an action is completed. It attempts to measure the result of certain actions. If there are problem, corrective action are done and applied to future activities. For example, a car company will ask their customers the quality and long lasting of the cars produced by the company.

2.  a) Differentiate between single-use plans and standing plans. (3 marks)

There are four differences between single-use plan and standing plan, which are time of using, time of recurring and type of situation.


First is time of using. Single-use plans are used only once, as it might not be repeated in the same form in the future. For example, the activity of set up a plant or factory is the example of a single-use plan as it used a unique plan that cannot be used in the next time. While, standing plans are designed to be used again and again. For example, the activity of producing the finished products is the example of a standing plan as it used a common plan that can be used in the next time.

Second is time of occurring. Single-use plan is a short-term plan, which is main for non-recurring activity. It means that the activities are occurring only once as it might not occur again in the same form for the next time. For example, the activity of set up a plant or factory is the example of a single-use plan, as it might not be used repeatedly in the next time. While, standing plans is a short plan that is for recurring activity. It means that the activities are designed to be occurred again and again. For example, the activity of producing the finished products is the example of a standing plan as it has a repeated procedure for the company to continue its’ business.

Third is type of situation. Situations in single-use plans are unlike due to the fact that different years have different situations. For example, the usage of machinery and technology to set up a plant might be different from a year to other years, so the plan used is unique and known as single-used plan. Situations in standing plans are similar which is handled in predetermined and consistent manner. For example, a furniture company faced similar problem through the year, which is the furniture, are easily to broke down.

2. b) List the types of single-use plans. (3 marks)

Single use plan is one type of operational strategy that is a short term planning. It consists of programs, projects and budgets.

Program is a single plan, which the actual course of action designed to carry out the established objectives. It can be define as govern comprehensive set of activities design to accomplish goal. For example, to improve the quality level of product, a company may institute a quality awareness program.

Projects can be defined as direct the efforts of individuals of group toward achieve goal. It is smaller than program as it has limited scope and distinct directives concerning assignments and time. If the program is to transfer inventory from one warehouse to another, one related project might be to evaluate floor space at the proposed installation. For example, a company organizes an annual dinner for employees in the company.

Budgets can be defined as specify how financial resources should be allocated. It is a statement of financial resources set aside for specific activities in a given period of time. For example, a company will plan how much financial resources needed to carry out its operation.

3. Briefly explain four (4) process of management. (6 marks)

Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of an organization members and of using all other organizational resources to achieve stated organizational goals. There are four processes of management, which is planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

The first process is planning. Planning can be defines as setting goals and defining actions necessary to achieve those goals. For example, a car manufacture company plans to produce the best quality of car.

The second process is organizing. Organizing is the process of determining the task to be done, who will do them and how those tasks will be managed and coordinated. It also involves the process of arranging and allocating work, authority and resources among organization members so they can achieve the organization’s goals.

The third process is leading. Leading can be defines as the process of motivating and directing the members of organization in order to achieve the goals in the organization. For example, a manager will motivate their employees to work harder in order to increase their company production.

The forth process is controlling. Controlling is the process of ensuring that the actual activities conform to plan activities. For example, a manager has to control the quality of his company’s production in order to make sure that it is conform to the planned production.

4. Explain the three (3) basic skills of managers. (6 marks)

Management skill is a concept developed by Henri Fayol, a famous management theorist. Fayol identified three basic kinds of skill, which are technical skill, human skill and conceptual skill. Every manager needs all these three basic skill.

First basic skill of manager is technical skill. This skill is able to utilize tools in order to carry out particular field. It is the most important in lower level management. For example, surgeon, engineers, musicians, accountants and others have technical skill in their respective field.

Second basic skill of manager is human skill. This skill is able to work effectively with other, understand them and motivate other people as in individual or in-group. Although this skill is important for manager at every level, it is primary skill needed by middle managers. For example, a manager plays their important role by motivate their employee and work together with them in order to achieve their goals in the organizations.

Third basic skill of manager is conceptual skill. This skill is able to analyze complex situation. The important of conceptual skill increases as one rises through the ranks of a management system. It is primary skill needed by top manager. It involves seeing the organization as a whole, understanding how its parts depend on one another, and anticipating how a change in any of its parts will affect the whole. For example, a manager of a company used their conceptual skill to make decision for the overall organizations.

5. Briefly explain three (3) problems in implementing Total Quality Management (TQM). (6 marks)

Total Quality Management is a commitment to excellence, achieve by team work and a process of continuous improvement. It consists of five main ideas, which is system approach, tools of TQM, focus on customers, role of management and employee participation. There are three problems in implementing Total Quality Management.

First problem is, the manager must have to used technology in his company so that he can manage the quality of management easily. Technology play important rule in all company such as a company of manufacturing of paper need to use technology, so that the thickness of the paper will be at the same thickness.

Second problem is the manager must respect his customers. Managers have problems in implementing Total Quality Management because they does not be friend with their customer. They just thinking that their customers are stranger. It will show the low relationship of people between manager and customer.

Third problem is the tools of Total Quality Management. Tools of TQM consist of two type which is fish-bone diagram and benchmarking. Managers have problem in implementing TQM because they do not know the causes of a problem and how to preventing it from happen in his company. Besides, the manager does not comparing his own product with the best quality of product from other companies. It caused the manager will not know the level of quality of his product in his company.


1. With the aid of a diagram, discuss the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory. (10 marks)

According to this hierarchy of need theory, as developed by Abraham Maslow, states that everyone has needs that require to be fulfilled. These needs can be divided into five ascending levels in which each level must be satisfied before going on to the next.

Physiological needs are necessary to survival and include food, water, shelter and sleep. Business addresses these needs by providing both comfortable working environments and salaries sufficient to buy food and shelter. Example for physiological needs is most basic need that is necessary for survival such as food, water, shelter and et cetera.

Security needs include the needs for stability and protection from the unknown. Many employers thus offer pension plans and job security. Example for security needs is job security, freedom from coercion, and clearly defined regulation.

Social needs include the needs for friendship and companionship. Making friends at work can help to satisfy social needs as can the feeling that you ‘belong’ in a company.

Esteem needs include the need of status and recognition as well as the need for self-respect. Respected job titles and large offices are among the things that business can provide to address these needs.

Self-actualization needs are need for self-fulfillment. They include the needs to grow and develop one’s capabilities and to achieve new and meaningful goals. Challenging job assignments can help satisfy these needs.

2. Discuss the principles that Islamic leaders should follow to be an effective leader. (10 marks)

Management from Islamic Perspectives can be defined as the ability to utilize resources both material and human, optimally in order to achieve goals, be its short-term goals or long term goals. It is based on the teaching generated from the holy Al-Quran and the As-Sunnah. The holy Al-Quran and As-Sunnah were the sources that provided guidance in making decisions. There are five principles that Islamic leader should follow to be an effective leader, which is Tauhid, Syura, Trustworthy, Reward and Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar.

First, Tauhid or Unity. Man’s ultimate accountability is only to God alone. It also can define the unique relationship between God and man, man and man, and man and his environment. He is required to only serve God through all his actions.

Second, Syura or Mutual Consultation. It used to be undertaken among leaders of various tribes or groups. Syura certainly implies transparency, open mindedness, which can only happen with the accompaniment of respect, trust, empowerment, freedom of expression, readiness to be criticized and acceptance of divergent views.

Third, Trustworthy or Amanah. The leader must be trustworthy because all their members’ problem should be secrets from other. If not, the members will not respect them. Selection of a new personal staff should not be based on self-interest of favoritism but from personal ability, experience and other suitable criteria that fit the job.

Forth, Reward or Penghargaan. Every believer knows that they should be performing the acts of worship solely to seek Creator pleasure. In Islam we should seek our rewards from Allah S.W.T, not from other destitute people like ourselves. Islamic Management views rewards as the compensation or benefit earned not only today but till one dies.

Fifth, Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar. Can be defined as exclaiming people to do kindliness and to leave out all the bad behavior. To measure of what we are doing either it a fair or cruel (haq or batil), we should refer back to Al-Quran and As- Sunnah. Anything that is right in syara’ will always right although it is opposite to our passions and wants. Similarly if everything in stated in syara’ as illegal or wrong to be done by Muslim, it can’t never change until the end of the day.

The Islamic effective leaders are following these principal in order to achieve their goals in their organizations. These Islamic principles will lead Islamic leader to be a good and effective manager during planning, organizing, directing and controlling process in their company.

3. Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard’s Life-Cycle Theory or Situational Approach is a contingency theory that focuses on the followers. With the help of a diagram, discuss this theory. (10 marks)

This model was developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard. He proposed that the most effective leadership style varies with the readiness or maturity of employees. Hersey and Blanchard believe that the relationship between a manager and follower move through four phases as employees develop, and managers need to vary their leadership style.

The first phase is Telling. The leader uses one-way communication. This is appropriate when dealing with employees who lack task relevant maturity, new and inexperienced employee. This phase has high task behavior and low relationship behavior. Employees must be instructed in their tasks are familiarized with the organization’s rules and procedures.

The second phase is Selling. Employees are learning to do job. This phase has high task behavior and high relationship behavior. High relationship is needed due to managers providing a high level of emotional support and encouragement to develop trust and confidence in employees.

The third phase is Participating. This phase has low task behavior and high relationship behavior. Employees already show maturity in performing tasks. They are more experienced and skilled to assume more responsibility. The leader will no longer need to be directive. However, the leader will still have to be supportive and considerate in order to strengthen the followers’ resolve for greater responsibility.

The forth phase is Delegating. This phase has low task behavior and low relationship behavior. This phase is the highest level of employee maturity. Employees are motivated, self-directed and able to exercise self-control. Followers no longer need or expect direction from their manager. They are increasingly on their own.

4. Managers need to be aware of the existence of grapevine within their organizations. With that aid of a diagram, explain the four (4) types of grapevine method of transmitting information. (10 marks)

Grapevine is an informal communication network among people in organization, which is not officially sanctioned by management. There are four types in grapevine communication, which is a single strand, gossip, probability and cluster chain.

First, in the single strand chain, person A tells something to person B, who tells it to person C, and so on down the line. This chain is least accurate at passing information.

Second, in the gossip chain, one people seek out and tell everyone the information he or she has obtained. This chain is often used when information of an interesting but non0job-related nature is being conveyed.

Third, in the probability chain, individuals are indifferent about whom they offer information to. They tell people at random, and those people in turn tell others at random. This chain is likely to be used when the information is mildly interesting but insignificant.

Forth, in cluster chain, person A conveys the information to a few selected individuals, some of whom then inform a few selected others. This chain is the dominant grapevine pattern in organizations. They are most likely to pass on information that is interesting to them, job-related, above all, timely.

5. a)  What is a non-programmed decision? (2 marks)

Non-programmed decision is one type of decision making process. Decision maker is top manager. Nature of problem that occurs is unstructured and something different. The decision is made in response to situations that are unique, unstructured, or poorly defined.

b)  Discuss the various stages of the basic rational decision making process. (8 marks)

Decision making is the process through which mangers and leaders identify and resolve problems and capitalize on opportunities. Good decision making is important at all levels in the organization. Managerial decision making often unfolds in a quite disorderly and complex manner.

First step in decision making is identifying opportunities and diagnosis problems. Managers regularly review date related to their areas of responsibility, including both outside information and reports and information from within the organization. Identifying opportunities and problems is not always easy, considering human behavior in organization. Therefore, a manager must pay particular attention to ensure that problems and opportunities are assessed as accurately as possible. For example, a mechanic will identify the problems that occur in the broke car.

Second step in decision making is identifying objectives. Objectives reflect the result of the organization wants to attain. Both the quantity and quality of the desired results should be specified, for these aspects of the objectives will ultimately guide the decision maker in selecting the appropriate course of action. Objectives are often referred to as targets, standards and ends. For example, the mechanic wants the broke car can be used by his customer for a long period without it broke again.

Third step in decision making is generating alternatives. Once an opportunity has been identified or a problem diagnosed correctly, a manager develops various way to solve the problem and achieve objectives. The step requires creativity and imagination. For example, the mechanic will generate many alternatives way in order to settle the problem of broke car, such as need to change the batteries of the car or just checks the connection of wires in the car.

Forth step in decision making is evaluating alternatives. This process involves determining the value or adequacy of the alternatives generated. Fundamental to this step is the ability of assesses the value or relative advantages and disadvantages of each alternative under consideration. For example, the mechanic will evaluate the alternatives by looking at the cost or risk of taking an alternative to overcome the problem.

Fifth step in decision making is reaching decision. Decision making is commonly associated with making a final choice. Reaching the decision is really only one step in the process, however. Although choosing an alternative would seem to be straightforward proposition, in reality, the choice is rarely clear-cut. For example, the mechanic prefers to choose the alternatives that he can just check the wires in the car. It because, he can reduce the cost of repairing car.

Sixth step in decision making is choosing implementation strategies. The bridge between reaching a decision and evaluating the results is the implementation phase of the decision making process. When decisions involve taking action and making changes into effect becomes an essential managerial task. For example, the mechanic will choose some strategies to repairs the broke car such as he need to know the true connection of wires in the car, so that he can repairs it fast.

Seventh step in decision making is monitoring and evaluating. Monitoring the decision is useful whether the feedback is positive or negative. For example, the mechanic monitoring the result produced when he make connection of the car wires. If the results show positive feedback, he can maintains the effective alternatives in his company when there are in the same problem. If the mechanic found that the result gives negative feedback, he should come out with a new effective alternative to solve the problems.

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Konnichiwa. Ogenki desu ka? Watashi Shizuko Daisuke desu. This is my new blog for my revision. I'll put all the necessary topics that will help others in doing their assignments. Hopefully it will be useful by all students around the world. All the subjects in this blog is what i've learnt in my university which is Univesiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Arau, Perlis. I took Diploma in Business Studies for 3 year and will further my study in Bachelor of Marketing. Hajime mashite. Dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.