Friday, February 5, 2010

The Principles of Islamic Management

Tauhid / Unity

Ø  Man’s ultimate accountability is to God alone. It also defines the unique relationship between God and man, man and man, and man and his environment. He is required to only serve God through all his actions.

Ø  Surah Az-Zariyat : 56

Tauhid Rububiyyah

Ø  Believe that everything in the earth and sky belonging to him Allah. Only Allah can classify the human whether good or bad, and no one can challenge his power.

Ø  Surah Al-Ankabut : 61

Tauhid Illahiyyah

Ø  Believed that Allah is the only God by doing His direction and did not have any god other than Him.

Ø  Surah Al-Aaraf : 59

Tauhid did not complete until Tauhid Illahiyyah is combined with Tauhid Rububiyyah.

The Effort of tauhid on human are :

It gives clearly mission on all life aspect especially individuals, family, community and country in economics, politics and socials. We will have the component of amanah and good attitude because we know that Allah s.w.t can see what we are doing and thinking.

  • Khalifah / Vecogerency

Is a special duty of man on earth. Man has endowed with all the spiritual and mental characteristics, as well as material resources, to enable him to effectively undertake this important mission.

  • Al-adl / Justice

Is the rendering trust where it is due. Trusts here refer to all aspects of human life including economic, social and legal both at the individual as well as the sociatal levels. If the conflicts between individual and societal interests arise, perference is always given to societal interests.

Surah Al-Ma’idah : 8

  • Syura / Mutual Consultation

Used to be undertaken among leaders of various tribes or groups. Syura certainly implies transparency, open mindedness, which can only happen with the accompaniment of respect, trust, empowerment, freedom of expression, readiness to be criticized and acceptance of divergent views.

Surah As-Syura : 38                             

  • Ikhlas / Sincerity

One has to make sure that the task is completed with the best of one’s ability. Sincerity is an absolute value in the sense that there is no such thing as more or less sincere. If  one is less sincere, it implies that there exists some other elements in the intention. It may be arrogance, pride, conceit, etc.,which will jeopardize the quality of performance.

Surah Az-Zumar : 14

  • Freedom

According to islamic leadership style, a leader should strive to create an atmosphere of freethinking, healthy exchange of ideas an advice so that the followers feel very comfortable in discussing matters of interest to the group. The leader also has to accept what the member complains about them so the discussion will be done smoothly.

  • Amanah / Trustworthy

The leader must be trustworthy because all their members’ problem should be secrets from other. If not, the members will not respect them.

  • Reward

  • Amar Makruf Nahi Munkar

  • Maslahah Mursalah

  • Masru’iyyah

  • Brotherhood

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